Monday, May 27, 2013

Final Comments

Your Final Course Score: A
Effort: Excellent
Technical: Good
Creative: Excellent

me happy :)
+ diploma

from pencil and paper to digital painting this was truly an awesome kickstarter course ! 
for me a true stepping stone, to polish my work :)

Photoshop has officially become a well known playground for me now, as well as getting used to my wacom tablet, in such a way that it now feels kinda natural to sketch with as well :)

I can truly recommend this, it is very thorough and you get a lot of professional tips and tricks to take with you :)

until next time ;)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lesson 8


final assignment DONE :)

this was fun
trying out all the tips and tricks.
playing around with different unusual layer blend modes as well.
I could have gone on for ever with this one, but you've got to stop somewhere... besides deadline is on friday, and I have never been this close to a schoolism deadline :) hehe

the initial idea was having a strong contrast in character moods, as well as size relations and apperance.
I wanted a sense of incongruity in the contrast, to spin of some fun ;)

Personally I think I have made quite some progress, considering my experience with digital painting :)


Amphibian BFF (final piece)
Lights /character texture + more clean up
Color/shading + clean up (WIP 02)
Initial Sketch (WIP 01)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Lesson 7

Background, Scene and Mood

This was a difficult task
Creating the character was easy enough, but when it came to adding tons of layers, my old faithful Macbook Pro 17" couldn't keep up :/
so I struggled for a week or two, making my strokes as carefully as possible because of lag.

Now, as deadline is approaching, I decided to spend some money on a new computer, 
a new Macbook Pro with 15" retina display :D and I am loving it !!! :D

finished the rest in two days :) that is fast, considering that I have kids :)

kept it pretty rough, to speed things up. One could always go back and refine things.

so yes, very original... :P not Rambo ... Ramboman!

Ramboman with touch!
 I like the effect here.

Ramboman Jungle Approach - Rough

Ramboman Snow Encounter - Rough

Ramboman Dessert Wander - Rough

These next thumbnails where just to try out a quicker compositional approach
they are a bit more energetic

Ramboman Lost Village Night - Rough Thumb
Ramboman Gladiator - Rough

Ramboman Mountain Climbing - Rough

Friday, March 29, 2013

Lesson 6

Custom Brushes

This was a fun process, but it took some time playing around with custom brushes ! :)

Simple Shape Brushes
Smudge tool "Brushes"

Leaves/Grass/Bushes Stamp Brushes

Cloud Stamp Brushes
Fire Stamp Brushes

Skin/Furr Stamp Brushes

Crowd Stamp Brushes
Stamp Brush Compilation :)

Toucan (rough)

And this is just the beginning... I've got a lot more custom brushes stashed up in the presets :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lesson 5

Color Mixing and Painting

really nice method of digital painting.
mixing paint just as you would when you do a traditional painting.
it gives it a more authentic and realistic look.

Streetfighter SpiderMonkey
I still tend to go to far with the clean up (mixing and smoothening).. a couple of times I went a step back, because the roughness looked better :)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Lesson 4

Coloring with 
Cell Shading

Mushroom Rock
Testing cell shading ... I really like the edginess of it :)

cell-shading really enhances the cartooniness :) love it ! 
you can also play with the edge, to make it sharp or smoother.

added screen blend mode for extra lighting ;) makes it pop :)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Lesson 3



Black & White Coloring Method

This is cool ! this makes it so easy to through in some nice effects ! ;)

Monster Bull Thingy - Colored
So I just went on to add colors and different layer blend modes, if not all of them, to see what goes and what doesn't :) This piece probably became a bit of an overkill :P hehe

Initial Drawing with revisions
Dragon WakeUp Prank - BW
 So, I wanted to create something more funny and thorough as well :)

Dragon WakeUp Prank - Color
Here I added color and played around with the blend modes to get the right effects :)
colored using the lasso tool, and hue/saturation adjustments :)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Lesson 2

Light and Shadow

Form shadow on different objects
experimenting with form shadow and highlight.

object form changes + different light-sources
trying to define an object with form shadow.
playing with different directional light-sources.
adding texture-based light and shadows.

object form changes + cast shadow
again playing with the form of the object based on the form shadow.
playing with cast shadow.
It is amazing how just spending some time making a new and more definable brush, gives the drawing/painting so much more force and dynamics! really like this "homemade" square brush.

Bull Monster Thingy
I decided to make a new creature sketch, just to keep practicing my digital sketching.
(the arrow indicates the light-source).
using the new brush I made :)

Janitor-Intern Guy
experimenting with the Janitor Intern guy from lesson 1.
two different light-sources.

Lesson 1

Basic Tools

First Assignment:
Sketch a character or creature from scratch using Photoshop.

Started with a basic filling of a shillouette in graytone.
after that I sketched up the character based on the shillouette.
from there I added more and more detail, using about 5 layers.

getting comfortable with Photoshop :)
The Janitor Intern
A Dragon's Head

